Why is Chia called the “perfect food?”


Chia Seeds are an amazing source of Omega-3 & Omega-6 essential fatty acids!

The optimum ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6 should be 3:1. Chia seed provides that ratio.

Chia seeds also provide fiber (25 grams give you 6.9 grams of fiber) as well as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, molybdenum, niacin, and zinc.

The health benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids are becoming widely known
and appreciated in the cardio medical community.

Chia Seeds are very beneficial to the heart and extremely high in fiber, calcium, highquality protein, slowly processed carbohydrates and loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants!




Unlike flax, they do not have to be ground. Chia has a light nutlike flavor! You can mix seeds in water and add lime or lemon juice and sugar to make a drink known in Mexico and Central America as "chia fresca." As with ground flax seeds, you can sprinkle ground or whole chia seeds on cereal, in yogurt or salads, eat them as a snack, or grind them and mix them with flour when making muffins or other baked goods.
Chia seed is very hydrophilic….absorbing up to 14 x its weight in water.

This helps extend energy and endurance and perfect for diabetics & people watching or trying to lose weight. Another advantage: when added to water and allowed to sit for 30 minutes chia forms a gel. Researchers suggest that this reaction also takes place in the stomach, slowing the process by which digestive enzymes break down carbohydrates and convert them into sugar.

Chia seed is rich in antioxidant oils.
Chia contains chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid, as well as myricetin,
quercetin, and kaempferol flavonols.
These compounds are both primary and synergistic antioxidants that contribute
to the strong antioxidant activity of chia.
Chia seed is also low in sodium.  Only 19 mg per 100 grams.
Chia seeds are very high in protein (on average 18 grams per 100 grams of seed.)
Chia is loaded with calcium--five times the amount of calcium in milk..


Other forms or applications:


Because of its nutritional value and stability, chia is already being added to a range of foods. Research has shown that adding it to chicken feed makes for eggs rich in omega-3s. Feeding chia to chickens enriches their meat with omega-3s; fed to cattle chia enriches milk with omega-3s. Chia can also be added to commercially prepared infant formulas, baby foods, baked goods, nutrition bars, yogurt, and other foods. Another bonus: insects don't like the chia plant so it is easier to find organically grown varieties. Most industry leaders believe “we have really just starting to hear about chia and its health benefits.”


Chia Flour, Chia Meal, Chia oil, and Chia Milk


Available in Black and White seed, Milled Meal, Chia flour (Milled without pressure or heat). Chia Flour, meal and seed are available in 1 lb bottles (24 to a case.)

Chia oil in bottles, 55 gallons and containers. Chia oil is now available in soft gels. Chia milk (much like that of soy milk) is in it’s final R & D phases.
Until recently, chia was produced by only a few small growers, but commercial production has resumed worldwide, and you can now buy the seeds in bulk or in small containers in most health food stores. Today, Trinity Naturals LLC is partners with the LARGEST Chia growers in the world today. We are active in importing White and Black Chia seed from Australia, Philippians, and 4 separate countries in S. America and Mexico. We have EXCELLENT quality seed and



Contact us today for a quote! We currently have access to seed ranging from: 200 lbs to 41, 800 lbs (one container.) Bulk traditionally sold in the USA in 50 lb bags Price breaks at 1, 000 kg, 5, 000 kg and 10, 000 kg. Individual 50 lb bags available. F.O.B.


Contact US Today at trinitynaturals@yahoo.com


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